Frog on his own. ## One day, Johnny and dog, turtle and frog decided to go to the city park! ## As they were walking, obviously the frog decided to jump out of the pail and be a little more mischievous just like he usually is. And as they walked off towards the park to play in the sand, the frog waved goodbye. ### Frog was just # walking around, enjoying the_ # weather, and he felt a little hungry and he decided to eat a moth_ # on the beautiful flowers. He was eating, eating, eating the moth until he_ # ... exploded...? [giggles while speaking] I don’t know what happens there actually... Oh_ until he got stung by the moth! # And he realized that the moth wasn’t really a moth in the least but a big bee! # So he carried on his way, forgetting about what occurred in the past and he was going, going, going until he came up a- past two people, two lovers, sitting by # -- on the floor, # drinking, having a nice picnic. The frog decided to jump into the picnic bask- basket without them realizing. [giggles while speaking] And # he decided to put his hand directly on the woman’s as they were drinking their coffee casually. She couldn’t believe it! And she just s- she said to her husband : “Oh my lord, what happened ? Whose is this ?” And she threw her coffee jar- jug cause she was in such shock and he went flying to the river, smiling. ### This time, as Johnny deci- -- the frog decided to sit on a branch and observe t- t- the boy that was playing with his # his ship in the water. # [laughter] [giggles while speaking] And he decided to leap right for the ship and he landed right on the right on it, right in the middle of the water, so the boy looked in disbelief. [laughter] The poor thing started to cry and the mom had to fish out his ship. ## But this time, the frog decided to swim a little up river and he came upon another # victim, who was sitting on a bench, pending to her # child. # This time he flew onto the bin- t- #the carriage and he sat with t- t- t- the child that was just like a # cat, but underneath it there was a cat, prowling around the carriage... # The mom d- didn’t even notice the frog and he -- she just started feeding her s- -- feeding him milk, and the ch- child was so jealous about this and the -- but the cat knew exactly what was going on and she -- he decided to # crawl up and visit the fr- the frog. ## # And the cat growled at the frog but then the frog gra the the milk bottle and the poor boy started to cry and the mother was shocked cause she didn’t even understand what was going on. # And the carriage flipped over and the mom was trying to calm her poor child who by this point was cry- -- balling his eyes out. And the floor -- and the bottle and the magazine were on the floor, and the cat was chasing after the frog. # The cat had l- leaped towards the frog actually caught on his legs and she nded on him, ready to t- # chew him all up. Until Johnny saw the cat, and seeked the other animals on him and the dog chased him away and the frog was very relieved about this. And they decided to go home after a long day at the park.